So, without further ado, let’s dive right in to all that sweet, Animal Crossing knowledge. It’ll talk you through everything from general information on the game and the basics to getting started, right through to how to get every tool, and some tips and tricks on developing your island further, too. Whatever your goal is in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, our guide wiki is here to help you realize your ambitions.

Or maybe you just want to own the biggest house on the island and be some kind of philanthropist to the other villagers. More about creepy crawlies and want to catch bugs instead? Be Tom Nook’s guest. Want to spend the entire day fishing and donate all your new catches to the museum? You can. You’re just there to kick back and enjoy island living however you see fit.

Please review the following articles to get acquainted with the events, individuals, and countries that shaped the world from the end of the Second Great War in 1948 until the present day of 1950.Animal Crossing: New Horizons has arrived on the Nintendo Switch and players can finally go about living their alternate lives with a bunch of anthropomorphic animals. If you wish to contribute, please ensure you are adding correct and relevant content. The wiki is an ongoing project and so help is always welcome. Trivia and references to our own history are generally not permissible here. All pages are written "in-universe" as if by someone from within that timeline. This wiki is meant as a repository for all canonical Krasnacht lore and information. Will the world rise up in Revolution, heed the call of National Revival, or stick steadfastly to the dreams of a past no longer present? It is here that the future will be determined. The nations caught between the superpowers are the battlegrounds of this glittering twilight.

The war may be over, but the battle, both ideological and material, for the rest of the world has only just begun.

Krasnacht is set in a world where the old liberal capitalist order has almost completely melted away, and in its place socialism and far right nationalism predominate. Welcome to the official wiki for Krasnacht: Twilight of the Gods, a fan-made sequel for the popular Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Welkrieg mod for Hearts of Iron II, Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game, and Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox.